Etiam vitae est quis diam iaculis placerat. Nulla malesuada odio molestie urna ornare euismod. Aenean pulvinar venenatis velit, et faucibus lorem tincidunt nec. Vivamus semper turpis at sem pharetra placerat. Quisque id magna nec arcu tincidunt pretium ac ac velit. Suspendisse sed tellus ut erat aliquet ultrices. Proin elementum rhoncus mauris,...

Etiam vitae est quis diam iaculis placerat. Nulla malesuada odio molestie urna ornare euismod. Aenean pulvinar venenatis velit, et faucibus lorem tincidunt nec. Vivamus semper turpis at sem pharetra placerat. Quisque id magna nec arcu tincidunt pretium ac ac velit. Suspendisse sed tellus ut erat aliquet ultrices. Proin elementum rhoncus mauris,...

Etiam vitae est quis diam iaculis placerat. Nulla malesuada odio molestie urna ornare euismod. Aenean pulvinar venenatis velit, et faucibus lorem tincidunt nec. Vivamus semper turpis at sem pharetra placerat. Quisque id magna nec arcu tincidunt pretium ac ac velit. Suspendisse sed tellus ut erat aliquet ultrices. Proin elementum rhoncus mauris,...

Home Insurance Austin and Tornado Season 2012 is what we are talking about... the Insurance Journal reported in a recent article that the United States needs to be prepared for another year of above normal tornado activity. Check out the video to the left on Tornado preparedness for some very important tips from Farmers Insurance about how to...

We had some fun for Halloween this last month posting different safety tips to our Facebook page as well as sending them to our clients in our email newsletters. For those of you who missed them, here is a sample of some of the tips from our October Halloween Insurance Newsletter: Parents: Before children start out on their "trick or...

For this step, we will need the following information to proceed quickly and to provide you with the best information possible. Please have your current insurance declarations pages ready - you can fax them to (512) 432-5415 or email them to the email on our contact information page. After you have sent the declarations pages from your current...

{source} [[img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMjAwODIwMDk1OTEmcHQ9MTMyMDA4MjAxNzA1MyZwPSZkPSZnPTImbz**Y2Q4Nzg1ZmQyZWU*NjQwYjI4MGUxYzI5/MzRkMjJiNyZvZj*w.gif" /]][[object name="kaltura_player_1320082022" id="kaltura_player_1320082022"...

Central Texas Insurance had some fun getting this video put together. We found somebody with a very cute hamster who could create a quick video with their pet and a message of our choosing - I sort of wished that I had the insurance message say, " Rocks!" or something like that... but, I think it is pretty cool the way...

Just a quick vlog on auto insurance deductibles and some examples of how they work.Most folks call and ask for full coverage car insurance - one definition of full coverage insurance is a policy which has deductibles to take care of any physical damage which might occur to the vehicle. It was a real "wake-up" call to me and a surprise that less...